Villa Euphoria Hotel provides its guests with a high-quality, comfortable service with kind members of staff and stylish and fashionable equipment. In the Covid-19 epidemic circumstances we have adopted the following measures thus ensuring guests’ and employees’ relaxation and security. The hotel is keeping the recommendations, enforced by the Ministry of Tourism and regulated by the European Committee at the European Union aiming at providing your safety during your stay.
- Providing safety of the employees.
An action plan is issued for functioning of the hotel according to the recommendations and regulations of the national organs of public healthcare in order to limit the spreading of coronavirus infection which includes specific procedures for actions and managing cases of infection and their potential contacts, as well as for prevention and keeping the anti-epidemic measures. Personal protection is being provided for all members of staff at the different units of the hotel: mask and face shield, gloves etc. Daily checks of staff members’ health status are being carried out. Employees with expression of acute respiratory symptoms and temperature of above 37,50С are not admitted to work. In the event of a potential case of Covid-19 member of staff, the Regional Health Inspection office is being informed and the regulations are being followed.
A timely audit of hygiene is being conducted in order to establish accordance with the imposed requirements and the critical points of the premises are being inspected.
II. Providing safety of the guests.
When accommodating guests at the hotel, at Reception a temperature check is being carried out. Clients with temperature of above 37,50С are not to be admitted. In the hotel there are disinfectants placed at obvious and accessible places for the guests to use. In the event of evident signs of a coronavirus infected guest, such as deteriorated general state, together with difficulty of breathing, cough and established high temperature above the accessible norm, the healthcare authorities are being notified.
All rooms for guests, lobby bar, reception, swimming pools and terrace are being cleaned and disinfected according to the established order, adopted by the Villa Euphoria hotel.
Villa Euphoria hotel is following the current requirements of the Ministry of Healthcare, the Regional Healthcare Inspection, the Ministry of Tourism, and will heretofore update its Covid-19 Policy in due time.